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The Ayoka restaurant menu offers a selection of traditional-modern dishes, with a subtle blend of ingredients and spices whose refined flavors come from Africa and Japan, and combine perfectly with those of West.
Our goal is to constantly revisit this “New Cuisine” with passion and modernity by offering elaborate & inspired recipes, both to delight your palate and for the pleasure of the eyes.
All dishes are prepared in accordance with our Ayoka cuisine concept which means welcome in the local language “Bété”. Prepared only from the best products, this fusion cuisine menu, balanced, refined, healthy, responds to the Five senses.
We wish you A yoka & Bon appetit!
Salade de Poulet Ayoka 12 000
Chicken Ayoka Salad
Salade de papaye verte au calamars marinés 12 000
Green papaya salad with marinated calamari
Carpaccio marinés aux deux poissons 12 000
Carpaccio marinated with two fish
Rouleaux De Printemps Crevettes Sauce Tamarin 12 000
Spring rolls Schrimps with tamarind sauce
Taccos Sashimi (sashimi yuzu hibiscus) 14 000
Taccos Sashimi
Gravlax de Saumon et sa tartare d’avocat 16 000
Salmon gravlax and its avocado tartare
Black Box Sashimi (à partager / to share) 60 000
(Thon aux agrumes, Gravlax saumon avocat, Saumon mi cuit soja Truffé, wagyu au miel soja, saint-jacques à la citronnelle, calamar mangue épicé, tartare de crabe épicé, anguille fumée, tartare de saumon
Gyoza Crevette au Chili à la Menthe 12 000
Shrimp Gyoza with Chili and Mint
Nems au crabe, sauce chili 14 000
Crab spring rolls, chili sauce
Soupe de poulet aux Nouilles 16 000
Chicken noodle soup
Raviolis de Langouste, Sauce Cacahuète aux feuilles de Bissap 16 000
Lobster Ravioli in Peanut Sauce with Bissap Leaves
Crêpe aux fruits mer et au curry rouge 16 000
Crepe with seafood and red curry
Risotto de fonio au saint Jacque 20 000
Fonio risotto with scallops
Tournedos de Mérou au Curry Vert 22 000
Tournedos of Grouper with Green Curry
Gambas Ayoka au Gingembre Pimenté 24 000
Prawns Ayoka with Spicy Ginger
Wok de Poulpe aux Légumes 24 000
Wok of Octopus with Vegetables
Cabillaud Laqué au miel et soja 24 000
Honey and soy glazed cod
Saumon Mi-Cuit Sauce Miel Soja Shitaké 26 000
Half-Cooked Salmon with Honey Soy Shitake Sauce
Brochette de Langouste grillée à la crème & au coco 26 000
Grilled lobster skewer with coconut cream
Coquelet Fumé épicé sauce forestière au gombo 18 000
Spiced smoked cockerel with okra forest sauce
Wok de filet de boeuf à l’ananas & aux Légumes de Saison 22 000
Beef tenderloin wok with pineapple and seasonal vegetables
Carré d’Agneau Laqué façon Ayoka 27 000
Rack of Lamb Lacquered Ayoka style
Tataki de Veau à l’orange 30 000
Veal Tataki with orange
Entrecôte Black Angus sauce Teriyaki 42 000
Black Angus rib steak with Teriyaki sauce
Tomahawk grillé poux deux 90 000
Grilled tomahawk lice two
Au choix
Patates Douces Rôties, Banane Plantain, Pommes de Terre à l’Ail, Riz frit Ayoka, Légumes Sautés, Croquettes de Pommes de terre aux sept épices , Attiéké sauté, Nouilles japonaises, Salade japonaise, Purée de Taro à l’huile de Wasabi, Papillotte d’Ignames
At your choice
Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Plantain, Garlic Potato, Ayoka Fried Rice, Stir-fried attiéké, Potato Croquettes with Seven Spices, Pan-fried attoukpou, Japanese noodles, Japanese salad, Taro purée with Wasabi oil, Yam Papillotte
Fruits Frais de saison 10 000
Fresh seasonal fruit
Crème Brûlée au kinkéliba 11 000
Crème Brûlée with kinkeliba
Duo de Cheese Cake Ayoka 12 000
Cheese Cake Ayoka Duo
Tarte aux poires, à la fleur d’hibiscus & son sorbet poivré 12 000
Pear tart with hibiscus flowers & its peppery sorbet
Fondant Caramel Baobab, Glace à la Vanille 14 000
Fondant Caramel Baobab vanilla ice cream
Trilogie de chocolats Ivoire 14 000
Ivory Chocolate Trilogy